New Business Activation Procedure Announced in Cyprus
Further details and the exact requirements of the much-anticipated Fast-Track Business Activation mechanism have now been announced by the Cyprus Government. The introduction of a

Trademark Registration in Cyprus
One of the most valuable assets of a business is it’s intellectual property. A Trademark (logo) can be a very important asset that helps distinguish

Why the Lebanese Choose Cyprus: Move, Live & Invest
For many years now, Cyprus has been a popular destination for many Lebanese families and enterprises. The civil war a few decades ago and the

Cross-Border Transfer of Company Seat
The advantageous corporate tax regime, with a corporate tax rate of 12,5% and all the other benefits Cyprus that has to offer, has led many

Business Relocation in 7 days: New Fast-Track Procedure Announced
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus recently approved (03/07/2020) a new fast-track procedure for businesses outside of the EU, looking to move

Assistance to Lebanese Businesses & Families to relocate to Cyprus
In response to the catastrophic explosion in the port of Beirut, the Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently announced (21/08/2020) that it will provide a

Cyprus Investment Programme: New Amendments
Following extensive discussions, the amended regulations regarding the Cyprus Investment Programme (CIP) were published in the Official Gazette.

Short-Term Rentals Cyprus
One of the most talked-about recent legal developments in Cyprus is the enactment of legislation to regulate the operation of self-catering accommodation and short-term holiday

Stamp Duty in Cyprus: New Announcement by the Tax Department
The Tax Department of the Republic of Cyprus, by an announcement dated 30/06/2020, provided further information as regards the process to be followed to stamp