Reduced 5% VAT Coefficient: First-Time Home Buyers
In accordance with EU regulations and in an attempt to encourage and facilitate home ownership in Cyprus, a tax break was introduced on the purchase

Transfer of Undertakings or Businesses: Safeguarding Employees’ Rights
As of July 2000, the rights of the employees in Cyprus in cases of transfer of undertakings, businesses or part thereof, are safeguarded and regulated

New Criteria: Cyprus Permanent Residency by Investment
As of 02/05/2023, the criteria to obtain a Permanent Residency by Investment in Cyprus have been revised and updated. These changes are part of the

Why Israeli Businesses Choose Cyprus.
Our team has on several occasions advised and assisted Israeli Companies to set up in Cyprus, from choosing the right business vehicle, to ensuring compliance with tax and ongoing compliance obligations and relocating employees and key team members.

Non-Dom Status
What is the Non-Dom Status? And why is it so popular? The Cyprus Government introduced the Non-Domiciled, or ‘Non-Dom’ status to make Cyprus more attractive

60/183 Days: Becoming a Cyprus Tax Resident
How does one become a Cyprus tax resident? An individual who spends 183 or more days in Cyprus during any given tax (i.e. calendar) year

Legal Update: Advising Israeli Start-up on Relocation of Key Employees to Cyprus
Our team has successfully advised one of Israel’s most promising start ups on establishing a presence in Cyprus and relocating key team members from Russia

Trusts in Cyprus: What is a Trust & When is it Used?
A trust is a legal arrangement in which a person (settlor) transfers assets to another person or entity (the trustee) to hold for the benefit

Personal Income Tax Exemption: 90-Day Rule
According to Cyprus Tax Law, an individual who spends 183 or more days in Cyprus during any given tax year is considered to be a